And yes orcas do indeed live here.
The ferry, the Queen of Coquitlan, approaches the terminal with the snow line of the Canadian Rockies hanging low and cool. I will be on board in but a few moments.
The carved totem pole in the watefront park has all the traditional carved figures such as raven, bear and eagle.
Its a little too early for tourists to be gawking and squawking at the views, so the desks are empty. The occasional and desperate smoker hides in the sun room to the left. Hard to believe it was not that long ago that it was OK to smoke anywhere you wanted to on board.
The afternoon ride was foggy and gray, best suited for a warm cup of tea, so I got one. It was two bucks. Locals bring their own tea bag and get a free cup of hot water and make their own. Told to me with a smirk by a woman who reflected her natural surroundings.
The big treat for me was having a ocean otter swim up to the boat and look up at me. This was the first time in my life I have ever seen one of these wonderful creatures. Way bigger than I would have thought. Tiny ears. They love to eat crabs, no wonder I can identify with them.
Smiles for you, and here's to your good health. Hope to be back here again soon.
This was a very fast trip to see family, sights and relax in the sun while home was still wet with rain. Go figure.